Pure Deco

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Just Clownin' Around!

I love the scrapbooking community: I just feel like there is something inherently welcoming about other people who want to be creative and preserve their memories! I am a member of a few online communities- but the one I've been participating in the longest is soul-scrappers. I love their community and the best part is I can participate in challenges which might pull me out of a creative rut or just inspire me to do more pages! I had been on a hiatus from the site for awhile- but when I saw this clown challenge, I knew I needed to jump right back in :) 

I joined a scrap quest: which means I get sent an envelope full of goodies that I need to incorporate on my page and had to make it match the theme: which was "Send in the Clowns!" Here is what was in my envelope:

There was a ton of fun things in my envelope: confetti, a balloon, a straw, paper, stickers, die cuts, a gold doily, a tag holder, and a red pom-pom. All I had to do was add a clown and make a page!

Well, I tried google searching images and I didn't find anything that wasn't too terrifying or too baby-ish for my page featuring my husband..... so I made my own clown! I decided to use the tag holder and the pom pom to draw an adorable clown face! I used the striped paper to make a cute (giant) bow-tie and a star confetti for the center. I used Close to my Heart's Pomegranate paper to fashion some hair for my clown- I thought he turned out super cute :)
I knew I wanted to use some pictures of my husband being silly for this page: I have many to choose from- but him just chilling in our kitchen with that hat on sealed it for me ;) 

I thought that Close to my Heart's Foundations paper line was tailor-made for this challenge- I used green, blue, yellow, and red from the Adventure paper pack for this page. However, I didn't know what I was going to use as the background page....I didn't want to just use a white piece of paper- so stamps to the rescue!!
I used the Canary ink and this awesome starry stamp- which made the best backdrop for my pictures!! 

Here's a shot where you can see how awesome the star background works with all the fun embellishments! I grouped all the other elements around the pictures- then I added the title- and my journaling :)

Here's a shot of the final page in its entirety:

Whoops! I guess Sorin wanted in on my picture taking action- let me try that again....

And there it is! My completed clown page- this Scrap Quest was super fun! I am definitely going to keep participating in these!

You can pick up the awesome Foundations paper and star stamps at my website!

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