Pure Deco

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pages with a theme

Sometimes pages are easier to assemble when I am in a groove of a theme: say when I'm thinking Christmas, it's easy to do multiple years because that is what I'm excited about scrapping at that time. Well, the theme I have scrapped more recently has been my cousin (yes the cool one)- we have been friends forever now and so of course there are many pictures of the two of us together- recent ones and not-so-recent ones. Some of those pictures I have struggled with making a page because I wanted to tell some of the story of us and not just the events of the pictures...which I ignored completely in one of the pages!

So here is the page that started it all:

This page was based on my visit to Chicago this year...and I just wanted to highlight our friendship :)

Close-up of the embellishments on this page: it's hard to tell on the screen, but the grey paper is embossed with flowers.

And then I got inspired to pull out some pictures from ten years ago: I have scrapped this Christmas, but I was struggling with what to do with these great shots- I didn't want to make them more Christmas pages but I didn't have a plan or an idea of what I wanted to do! Then, I got into the "cousins" theme and saw a bunch of fun pages in this month's issue of Creating Keepsakes- so I modeled this page after one from that magazine! I really liked the way it came together with the grey, orange, and blue elements :)

Note: the number "1" fell off somewhere after I painted it in my craft room somewhere...I plan to locate it before I put the page in my scrapbook :)

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