Pure Deco

Friday, August 17, 2012

30 minutes...yep, that's a page :)

Sometimes I over-think things....ok, I over-think EVERYTHING! And scrapbooking is no exception: I will spend literally hours pouring over magazines, idea blogs, and making plans for all my pictures. Unfortunately, once I have done that, I seldom turn that energy to actually crafting a page! I will plan multiple things, write up checklists and put aside products to put on those pages...and then not ever scrapbook. 

So today, I decided to give myself a challenge of sorts: I would put 30 minutes on a timer, pull out some random paper, gran an idea from a magazine that I wanted to try, and scrapbook a page! I ended up grabbing a random photo from my "need to crop" pile and did this page :)

I grabbed some random kraft colored paper, some coordinating card-stock (even though I ended up with red and green I decided that it looked ok), and some random embellishments :) I used the chevron-making technique from the magazine (this was a difficult technique....it almost made me go over my 30 minute limit) and a stamped banner- Overall, I'm happy with the way it turned out! 

Here is a close-up of the chevron technique...as you can see it's not perfect- but I really liked the way it looks on the page.

I tried doing a mini version of the chevron pattern for the title...again, it could be neater but I like the piece-meal look it gives to the page :)

Not bad for 30 minutes and NO PLANNING! It was so exhilarating to do this- I'll have to try it out with the rest of the Chicago trip pictures :) Challenge for you: if I can do this in 30 minutes, you can do it too...just throw the thinking and planning out the window :)

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