Pure Deco

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas craft!

Christmas is such a fun time to do crafts! There are always so many that I want to do and so little time to complete them all! One I have managed to complete was a countdown to Christmas calendar: there are little drawers and tasty candy in each one- I had fun making the small pieces and using buttons and other really bulky elements that wouldn't go well in my scrapbooks.

I made the numbers mixed up on purpose- looking for the number is part of the fun! 

Here is a close-up of a few drawers- I really liked getting to use that flower brad (on day 4)- I have had that embellishment for years but it was just too bulky for my scrapbook!

What crafts are you working on this Christmas??

Branching out for Christmas!

Since getting my "crafting legs" back, I've been playing with ATCs (artist trading cards) and Art Journaling- I'm still diligently working on my Italy scrapbook, but it's been fun just creating for the joy of creating! I don't really see myself as a "real" artist and have very little confidence in myself when it comes to drawing or painting. Lately, my darling husband has been encouraging me to draw more and to be confident about what I make- and so I decided to find other ATC swaps online! 

This swap was for making Christmas owls- I could have used a stamp or paper- but I really wanted to doodle it- so I did! I drew in pencil, then colored with acrylic paint, and then outlined the whole thing with a paint marker (my new favorite thing). Of course, I had to add some glitter! I was really pleased with how they turned out and by making them and sending them to complete strangers, I feel like that demonstrates confidence! 

Here are the owls- I had to make 3 of them- so there are slight differences- but overall I think are cute :)

Ok- so Blogger hates me and I can't flip this the right way- but you can really see the glitter on the lights on the tree- plus I think the painted background looks the best in this photo

Obviously, I have seen better owls and will lament again about wishing to be "that talented" but I am finally feeling like what I create is "good enough"- which is an empowering feeling :) I am trying to learn new things and create for the sake of creating- not just so that a page can be in my scrapbook :) What is your challenge for the end of the year?